Thursday, May 04, 2006

AP: Let's Try Another Field

As all of the guys know, at least the ones that came last week, our regular practice field is unavailable for Thursday practices. We will be trying the fields on 51st and Coldspring today. I'm told they are definitely available during the week, and I'm hoping they are. It will still be at 6:00, if you have any questions call me anytime after 4:30 (414-737-0093).



gmledbetter said...

I've been very pleased the past two weeks to see 10 or more players attending the alternate practices. It really has shown me that we have a lot of players excited for the season and looking to improve their game to contribute the best they can. And even the players who have not made it have expressed their interest in coming (mid-week scheduling can be a hassle).

We will keep the Thursday practices at 52nd and PLAINFIELD. Not exactly in the best condition field-wise, but definitely available. Good call Tim!

I like what I'm seeing, and hearing.


Mr. Ed said...

River Falls for the record is open until 8 on weekdays through Thurs. and 10 pm on Friday and Sat.

I've been hitting at the cages at least three times a week, I love that place. I was there tonight :) I'll be there tomorrow.

I think everyone should do what they can do show up. If you don't have the money, we'll spring for a few tokens and get you some swings. So BE THERE!

As for the field, I think Billy and I could bring our mowers out there and take care of that field, if everyone really is in for it. It'd be nice to not lose so many balls. We could just make it our own little practice paradise! lol

gmledbetter said...

I think we could get away with raking the infield into good condition, but for some reason, (commonfolk) are not allowed to mow any part of county grounds. IF the park IS maintained by the county, we can't do anything to the grass without their permission. If its maintained by the school, its probably the same situation. But I think if we get a couple of rakes, I would certainly be willing to help get it into better condition.

If it is controlled by the school, I'll try to contact them to work out a deal....a reservation on Thursday evenings for a nicely mowed field. We would need some committed guys to help with the mowing, though.


Jon Brooks said...

based on the park sign, it is a school park

Mr. Ed said...

I will mow the field if we can. I don't see how it would be a problem to get "permission" that field hasn't been maintained in at least a year if not longer.