Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Practice & Schedule

As for the schedule; I have not yet received the official schedule for the softball season. As soon as I get it, I will post the entire schedule, times and opponents. If I can, it will be listed under the links or archives on this page's right side. All I know right now is that the first game is on April 24th, sometime between 6:30 and 8:30 (ish). I will also try to post the following Monday's game time on one of the white dry-erase boards in the Crossroads room.

As for practice; there is no practice Sunday, April 16th due to it being Easter. Players, try to get to the batting cages sometime this weekend, if possible, or early next week. Or both. And since the weather is getting nicer, call up some of the other guys and throw the ball around for part of an evening/afternoon, if your schedule permits. Do what you can to get prepared for the season start. No one likes playing their first game tight and out of shape. If you DO, OC-Green still needs players.

Superfans; since there is no practice, you need to start screaming more at your television, or cat. Even sing some Chevelle or 12 Stones, if you are a fan. Keep your voice loose. We will not accept cracking voices on the evening of April 24th.
Also, a dozen black cowbells have been ordered. I still have not received them, but they should be in soon. They aren't large, but thats fine because I don't want them ringing throughout the neighborhood. We are looking for a logo for them, maybe just the current logo inside a softball outline, I don't know.

That is all for now.


Anonymous said...

Guys, bring your gloves with you on Sat. in between performances will play some catch in the churchs' side yard.

Mr. Ed said...

Let's make it official and put this on the main page.

Anonymous said...

me? get louder than i am? ha! hehe! i'll get plenty of practice being out in DC with the kid. well... yeah- in the meantime we're getting songs togeter and it'll be fun- be ready to have fun- cause i know i will!

Anonymous said...

Gabe-You are a closet Lutheran, let's be serious here.